It takes courage to grow, to evolve and make changes in ourselves. It’s easy to stay stuck in our old ways of thinking & doing. But more than likely, we have had to do some changing along the it or not. Life has a way of molding us through experiences in ways that we probably never imagined. But that can be a good thing, if we allow it to be. We can choose to take the tough lessons not as stumble blocks but as stepping stones toward knowing, accepting & becoming who we truly are. Imperfect yet beautifully human .

Higher Heights……


Women are mysterious
Women are delicate
Women are unpredictable
Women are simple
Women are peaceful
Women are beautiful
Women are perfect
Women are lovely
Women are joyful
Women are funny
Women are awesome
Women are thoughtful
Women are amazing
Women are harmonic
Women are calm
Women are caring
Women are kind
Women are strong
Women are creative
Women are similar to nature.
Women are wonder to behold
Women are colours of life.