With This Rose….

I touch your feet,

that you may stand against injustices,

I touch your hand,

that you may reach for and grasp great wisdom,

I touch your ears,

that you may hear music and the sacred silence,

I touch your eyes,

that you may see beauty in every living thing,

I touch your lips,

that you might speak the truth…and finally,

I touch your heart,

that you may know love and give love abundantly, openly and courageously,

…..With this Rose….I touch you.
November 24, 2011


We may have different approaches in some things, sometimes you drive me a little crazy. Yo stubborn, frustrating but you’re passionate when you care about something, its the reason am right here with you, I see you, really see you. I see how you do your thing, you’re so on point. I see how you bite yo lips, especially the lower one when you thinking, those are dangerous. I see how you grind hard, you don’t stop until you solve a problem. I see you, I see all of you always……


I go through my motions of today and I believe in speaking of the true word, for many have tried to make me feel unworthy of this life that I hold so dear. Of this love that I believe is mine to embrace. On nothing more than than a mere meeting of chance. A converging of paths and a connection that was created so strong that I believe not even those, with negative vibes can break. You yourself have tried and also those that i was called upon to receive as friends are now unrest to my heart.

I cannot rest my thoughts on what was, but build on what is to come and what is today a confusing state of being. I say again and again to you, but you don not heed my words. Only time will tell what festers inside one’s heart and inner self. Only time will tell those who come with not noble plans…….and that is the truth, for you only see the skin, but not what is deep inside as beauty is…..I will not hold back, I will not hide for that is not what or who The Most created me to be. I am a Black Woman, a Loving Woman, a Conscious Woman, I am an Empress and neither you nor any one being can take that away from me…..Selah!!

(May 22, 2011)

Beyond This BlaqWoman’s Surface…….

A stone cast to the center of a calm, gentle lake
Creating ripples that gently rock passing vessels,
But never reach the outer shores.
Her tranquil surface conceals trembling depths,
Look closer…
She is more than she seems,
For she is quiet, but seldom at peace,
She is smooth but deeper than she appears,
Be careful…
She will draw you in,
She will lock you out,
She will never do what you expect,
She will never be all that you want her to be…
Yet she is more than you have ever known,
She will touch your soul in ways you could ever imagine,
And feels more than you will ever be allowed to see…
She is…


Am tired of being crashed under the weight of greedy and selfish men who believe in nothing. I have to change that. Now, there will be days when you’re forced to make decisions that affect the lives of everyone you love. Choices, that will change you forever. You reach an age where you realize that being a man isn’t about respect or strength. It’s about being aware of all the things you touch. Children face inward, wallow in their own selfish needs. Men face out, take action on the need of others. Am at that place, am staring one of those decisions in the face and it looks back at me with historical eyes and it calls me a coward, a fraud. It wants me to crack and run from the service of my faith like a broken boy. Today I will not do that. Today I will be the woman my mother brought me up to be. I will make you proud.


It’s hard not to hate people,
things, Institutions,
when they break your spirit
and take pleasure,
in watching you bleed.
is the only feeling that,
makes sense. But I know what hate does,
to a man. it tears him apart,
turns him,
into something he’s not.
Something, he promised,
himself he’ll,
never become. That’s what I need to tell you,
let you know,
how hard am trying not to cave,
cave under the weight of all,
the awful things i feel in my heart.
my life feels like,
a deadly bouncing act.
What i feel,
slamming up against,
what i should do.
Impulsive reaction,
racing to solutions,
miles ahead of my brain.
When i look at my day,
I realize,
that most of it was spent cleaning up,
the damage of day before.
In that life,
i have no future.
All i have,
is distraction,
and remorse.
I lost a friend the other day,
as cliche as this sounds,
a part of me,
went away with.
A part i barely knew,
a part i’ll probably never see again.
So here I am
everyday is a new box poise,
you open it,
take a look at what’s inside.
are the only one,
who determines,
whether its a gift of a blessing or a curse.


För the first time,
in three weeks i finally slept in bed this morning,
Hours laters as i came out fröm slumber,
i had a deep sense wash over me,
With no rush to the days events,
i cuddled into the countless pillows and embraced the feeling,
Bit by bit it trickle down,
even through the tiny hairs on my skin,
I embraced the know that i….

I am warm-hearted,
I am gentle,
I am generous,
I am patient even to a fault…

I am a dreamer,
I am a carer,
I am a creator,
I am a lover even to a fault…

I am your shoulder,
I am your tears,
I am your laughter,
I am your strength even to a fault…

All this i realized,
as i lay there with thoughts of all my loved ones in my life,
I thought of brethren and sistren of blood,
and those that came into my life as friends,
those that we were to just cross paths,
that still are around
and those that are yet to grace me with there presence,
No matter the case,
all are here for a reason beyond my knowledge,
a season beyond my control and for a lifetime beyond my understanding,
I embraced the know that also i….

I am stubborn,
I am argumentative,
I am unpredictable,
I am very impatient when am at my end….

I am a little selfish,
I am a little insecure,
I am a little cold,
I am a little unapproachable when am at my end….

I am hard to handle,
I am difficult to reason with a times,
I am very vulnerable and
I am out of control when am at my end….

In all this I am me…
For to every side of a coin there’s two,
To every good there’s bad,
To every up there’s down,
To every laughter there’s a tear,
To every white there’s a shadow of black,
To every strong there’s a weak side,
Just like behind every silver lining there’s always a cloud,
It goes on and on for there’s always another side to a story…….

This is my story and awakening that
its not only in good times
that you should share moments with me,
is when my coin is flipped,
when am naked,
when am exposed,
when am on my knees,
when am all teary,
when am not at my best,
do i need to realize that you are in my life,
Today I embraced the know that I am who I am,
Who are you?
This is my AWAKENING!!!!

(February 14, 2011)


Last night amidst all the chaos
of emotion at another loss of a friend
you found you rway into my thoughts…….

Memories went back where our paths converged
and softly touched, our heats moved close
in greeting it was a time to sample change
it was a time of meeting……

An accident of chance
became our lasting gift that day
for some paths may cross but do not always
connect in such a way…….

From that first kiss that you
managed to steal as we parted ways
that still makes my heart skip a beat
to the both gentle & intense love made in
the silence of the night……

(February 14, 2011)