R.I.P Uncle M…..

Jus got the saddest news that my uncle has passed on. That’s probably the reason I wasn’t psyched for next week 😦 Earlier yesterday I got news that he was in Hospital undergoing a few tests. As the sun came down got further news saying that he’s getting worse and had to be transferred to one of our National Hospitals. I asked to be updated and that I would go see him in tomorrow 1st thing. Little did I know he was counting down his last breaths. At exactly four minutes to midnight I got that call.

How fleeting life can be!!!! How in a matter of hours you could be no more and yet another is born!!!!!!! Who ever knows when its time? Time to come into this earth or go back to your Maker and Giver of life……? And for that, with all the questions in my mind I give thanks for Life. More Love, More Thanks and definitely More Life. I am Blessed to see today in as much as am sad that Uncle did not. Thank you for his life too.

Tha Bluez

Am not really looking forward to next week. For one mu uncle is sick and another, jus’ becoz am not in the mood to go to work. Am wondering what is going to kick start me? Favorite outfit maybe or then again “Killah Heel” will definitely have to do. Red, blue, black or maybe the green. Hmmmmmm……..tell you all bout it tomorrow i guess. :/Image

Peace of Mind

So here i am, with lots of unrest within me all because i cant get to see the one that I love. Its always a wonder to me how attached i am….or maybe not. I honestly dont know but what I know is that am not goin to be at peace until i see them again……